Categories: NFL

WATCH: Peyton Manning surprises Super Bowl contest winners

Denver Broncos fan Courey Marshall knew that he was a finalist for Courtyard’s Super Bowl Sleepover Contest, which will allow him to wake up at U.S. Bank Stadium on Super Bowl Sunday. As it turned out, Marshall not only won the contest but got to meet Peyton Manning in doing so.

Manning was first hidden from Marshall as the director of the shoot. As soon as the future Hall of Famer opened his mouth, Marshall knew who he was sharing the room with.

It’s certainly no surprise that Manning pulled this off so well. Anyone who’s seen a commercial of his (like this) knows how strong his personality is.

If we could change one thing, it would have been for Manning to talk into a machine that changed his voice. That would have given Marshall a true surprise when the “director” popped out. But that’s just being nitpicky. This was well done by all parties involved. Hopefully Marshall has a fantastic time at the Super Bowl.

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