WATCH: Odell Beckham Jr. crushes Happy Gilmore-style home run

Odell Beckham Jr. is a man of many talents. We know all about his skills on the football field. Now, we also know that Beckham can not only handle a bat in softball, but can also do a pretty decent Happy Gilmore impersonation.

This is incredible hand-eye coordination on Beckham’s part. Given his obvious athletic ability, Beckham hitting a monstrous home run like that shouldn’t be terribly surprising. But running up to the ball and hitting it that hard is not easy, even for a great athlete.

We can only hope that Goose Gossage never sees this video, because that bat flip would make him lose his marbles. On the other hand, it’s safe to assume that Jose Bautista will be smiling after he sees that toss.


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