Categories: NFL Unfiltered

Watch: DIRECTV’s ‘bad comedian’ Eli Manning will make your skin crawl

There are some things in life you cannot unsee.

Such is the case in DIRECTV Sunday Ticket’s latest commercial offering, featuring New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning, who replaces Rob Lowe.

Manning plays himself as a cool, rich athlete, and then he plays “bad comedian” Eli Manning, who is neither cool, nor rich, nor athletic. In fact, “bad comedian” Manning is downright creepy.

“You wanna see a picture of my mother-in-law? Neither do I!”

Okay, now that was a little bit funny.

Given the popularity of the Mannings, whether it’s Peyton or his younger brother, it’s hard to miss with these two.

But we’re not sure if this is a hit or miss.

What we are sure of is that Manning’s ‘bad comedian’ persona will haunt our dreams.

What do you think?

Photo Credit: Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images

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