WATCH: Browns doing ‘The Office’ parody is absolutely amazing

As the Cleveland Browns embark on what should be a fun season for the long downtrodden franchise, they’re going to be a major focal point during the summer. Whether it ends up being good or bad, the Browns will be featured on HBO’s documentary series “Hard Knicks.”

The coaches might not be too happy about that distinction, but at the very least the Browns themselves are taking to this newfound interest in their brand.

Check out the team’s parody of the hit show “The Office” on social media. It’s pretty much the most legit thing you’ll see all day.

Everything from the music to the attention to detail and camera angles were spot on here. Talk about a tremendous production.

Give the Browns credit where it’s due. The young team might struggle on the field this coming season. But in no way does that take away from the Emmy-level performance here.

Well done.

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