WATCH: 10-year-old girl born without hands throws amazing first pitch

Being asked to throw out the ceremonial first pitch in front of thousands of fans can be an overwhelming experience and can even cause some wild throws. For 10-year-Sara Hinesley, who was born without hands, it was easy..

Before Friday’s game, the Baltimore Orioles brought out Hinesley to throw the first pitch before the game against the Cleveland Indians. After winning the Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest, it’s clear she was up for the challenge and her success came as no surprise.

It’s an incredible moment to watch and so wonderful that the Orioles gave her a chance to show off her arm strength and composure on the big stage.

Given some of the laughable first pitches we’ve seen this year, including from Bruce Willis, perhaps Hinesley can teach everyone a thing or two about throwing a good first pitch.

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