After a discussion about the life and times of John Matuszak with award-winning author Steve Delsohn, the team got a big surprise caller.
Our #Raiders talk this week begins with award-winning former ESPN journalist and author Steve Delsohn on the life and times of one of the Raiders most colorful characters: John Matuszak. From the ridiculous to the poignant, we talked about the beloved but troubled former Raider.
SURPRISE: Matuszak’s mother Audrey called in with an emotional and poignant call remembering her son 30 years after he died at 38.
ALSO: Jeremy Aguero from Applied Analysis and the Las Vegas Stadium Authority will discuss the current financial state of the project and talk about challenges facing the project. He also discusses how the stadium’s construction is on time and on budget.

Catch the Silver and Black Today radio show which airs every Sunday from 8am-10am in Las Vegas. It can also be streamed live worldwide on the app.
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