CBS’ reality series “Big Brother” aired Thursday with a video visit from none other than New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski. For those who follow the series, the house guests are always informed to expect the unexpected. Gronk surprised the house and appeared via television monitor to announce the house guest’s next Head of Household, which was called “Gronk Pong.”
Here is a little of Gronk’s scripted announcement to the house guests (via
“What’s up party people? I’m Super Bowl champion Rob Gronkowski, but my friends call me Gronk. I hope you’re ready for another BB takeover because it’s Gronk’s party week. That means we’re going to party all week long.”
These are the contestants attempting to play Gronk’s version of what he probably played in college on a ping pong table with real live beer.
Since Gronk stated that he was going to help the house guests party all week, we may be seeing more of him over the next few days. The summer of Gronk continues to be in full swing.
And if you haven’t caught Thursday night’s episode of “Big Brother” yet, beware that the second video may contain spoiler alerts.
Photo: USA Today Sports