Report: Jim Harbaugh could take Michigan to Italy for final week of spring practice

Never doubt that Jim Harbaugh has a trick up his sleeve when it comes to recruiting tactics at the University of Michigan.

As the NCAA cracks down on one aspect of Harbaugh’s tactics to prohibit hosting off-campus practices during vacation periods like spring break, Harbaugh and Co. have been planning a different sort of trip. One that involves crossing the mighty Atlantic Ocean, no less.

Per Mark Snyder of the Detriot Free Press, “ reported in its ‘Inside the Fort‘ posted today that U-M may spend the final week of spring practice in Rome, Italy, allowing the team to practice, take an educational trip and some players could remain in Europe to study abroad. The site said the planning has been in the works for months.”

Clearly, the rest of the coaches in the NCAA would just love to see Harbaugh take his crew overseas (he wrote sarcastically).

The “educational trip” would occur at a period of time where there were no scheduled vacations, meaning Michigan would be technically operating within the rules. However, it’s not going to be long before this reported move by Harbaugh is challenged by other coaches and the NCAA, and challenged hard.

Somehow, we don’t see Harbaugh sweating that eventuality, however. He’ll just continue pushing the envelope as he builds his program, because that’s what he’s always done.

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