NBA odds: Clippers betting favorites to land Kawhi Leonard

As Kawhi Leonard and the Toronto Raptors prepare for the NBA Finals, new NBA odds show that the star could be on his way to the Los Angeles Clippers next season.

Per Caesar’s Palace (via B/R betting), the Clippers are the heavy betting favorites to land Leonard (-200). Following them, the Raptors, New York Knicks and Golden State Warriors are seen as the teams most likely to end up with The Klaw.

Given the reports coming out of Southern California recently, it’s hardly surprising to see the Los Angeles Lakers coming in a distant fifth place while the Clippers dominate these odds.

Perhaps the most surprising aspect of these NBA odds is that the Warriors are even remotely considered as a favorite to sign Leonard. That team is already going to be well over the cap and likely has no chance to land him.

That’s all in the future. For now, the Dubs and Raptors will be battling one another for the NBA crown.

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