Mike Leach has very strong take on candy corn

There are two kinds of people in this world. There are those who love candy corn. And there are those who despise it. Count Washington State football head coach Mike Leach among the latter.

Not only does Leach despise candy corn, he hates is so much he compared it to fruit cake and mint julep.

“There’s a reason they only serve it once a year. It’s because it’s awful.”

Note the distinct look of hatred in Leach’s face about three-quarters of the way through this video. He’s thoroughly disgusted by the fact that candy corn exists at all.

Leach has strong takes on pretty much everything, so we’re hardly surprised he has one on candy corn.

For what it’s worth, this scribe disagrees wholeheartedly. Candy corn, is no way, shape or form, deserves to be put in the same category of once-a-year culinary disasters like fruit cake.

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