Marshawn Lynch hanging out with President Clinton

Former NFL running back Marshawn Lynch was back at his old stomping grounds near Oakland on Sunday at the University of California in Berkeley.

Not only this, Lynch was hanging out with former President Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative University:

The foundation’s goal is to promote global health, increased opportunity for women in the workplace and helping communities address issues surrounding global warming.

Lynch’s presence shouldn’t be considered too much of a surprise. Unknown to a lot of fans out there, he’s been extremely active in the communities of Oakland as well as Seattle over the years.

It’s yet another off-season event for a recently retired player that has just recently taken in the pyramids in Egypt. Hanging with the former president isn’t a bad way to spend your Sunday.

This is something we can expect from Lynch during his retirement. The former Buffalo Bills and Seattle Seahawks running back isn’t going to sit back and relax now that football is a thing of the past.

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