Mark Cuban: Hillary Clinton ‘needs me’ as Vice President

Entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban could be getting a whole lot busier if Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton takes him up on his offer to run as her running mate.

When Cuban was asked by TMZ Sports if he would consider running as Vice President, he responded in seriousness with this.

“Yeah, absolutely, she needs me.”

Cuban explained he would totally be interested in the job because he is an independent. Although he said that he has yet to be officially contacted regarding the job.

Interestingly enough, if Clinton passes up on Cuban’s offer to run with her and she chooses Senator Elizabeth Warren as her running mate, Cuban said there’s a “good chance I’ll vote for Donald Trump,” according to Jesse Byrnes of

In the same interview, Cuban noted that Clinton could win in November by a “landslide” due to the sway of Bernie Sanders’ supporters, who would prefer her over Trump.

We’ll see soon enough if Cuban sticks his foot into yet the political arena to become a heartbeat away from running the affairs of the United States.

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