LOOK: Rangers selling two-pound chicken tender called ‘Fowl Pole’

We’re always highly intrigued to see just how MLB teams will reinvent the wheel when it comes to their concessions on an annual basis.

It now looks like the Texas Rangers have everyone topped with what they’re preparing for at Arlington during the 2019 season.

As Darren Rovell notes, the Rangers will be selling a two-pound chicken tender this season aptly named “Fowl Pole.”

Foul pole. Fowl pole. Get it? Very punny.

In all honesty, chomping on a two-pound chicken tender during the sweltering summer heat in Arlington doesn’t sound too appetizing. Maybe if it came iced and on a stick. Then again, nope.

In any event, fans can enjoy this fowl piece of meat accompanied by a couple restroom trips during game this season.

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