Latest COVID-19 data another great sign for 2020 NFL season

Just days after the NFL suffered an alarming setback with its COVID-19 testing, the league’s latest data from its testing system is another great sign for the upcoming season.

With nearly two weeks remaining until the Houston Texans and Kansas City Chiefs take the field on Sept. 10 for the NFL Kickoff Game, all signs are pointing to the regular season beginning on schedule.

Zero NFL players test positive for COVID-19

The NFL released its first league-wide COVID-19 test results on Aug. 6 and things were already trending in the right direction. Just 56 players, or roughly 2% of those on active rosters, tested positive for the coronavirus.

After months of preparation, paired with constant negotiations with the NFL Players Association, the NFL settled on strict COVID-19 protocols for training camp. With players reporting to team facilities, the first few weeks were a pivotal moment to test the league’s preparations and how personnel would follow the guidelines.

Fortunately, things are going even better than anyone could have hoped for. In the latest round of COVID-19 tests, conducted from Aug. 12-20, zero players tested positive for the coronavirus.

It’s a fantastic number for the league, even with six other team personnel contracting the virus. The data shows the NFL’s efforts to create a safe environment, even without using an NBA-like bubble are working. Players also deserve props for being responsible and maintaining safe habits to ensure the entire team’s safety.

We must also credit the NFL, which established severe penalties for players who committed high-risk conduct that would put others in jeopardy. Furthermore, the same COVID-19 guidelines that NFL coaches called “impossible” are clearly making a difference.

There will obviously be positive cases among the player pool along the way. But as the issue over the weekend showed, which resulted in more than 70 NFL personnel having false positive tests, there is a sound system in place to avoid a COVID-19 outbreak.

The NFL is going through a staggering amount of COVID-19 tests this summer and the cost for the entire process was incredibly high even before it extended the daily testing.

Ultimately, the plan is working and whereas it seemed impossible a few months ago, everyone now expects a full NFL season to be played.

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