
Lance Armstrong calls out Fabian Cancellara for doping after Swiss rider wins gold

Fabian Cancellara won gold in the Olympic Time Trial, and former rival Lance Armstrong had something to say about how he accomplished the feat.

Now, for those uninitiated into the doping scandals that have rocked cycling, “Luigi” is a reference to an unknown rider who was a central figure in a doping investigation back in 2008.

As explained by Cycling Weekly, during that investigation, an accounts ledger found in that investigation appeared to point to Cancellara as a rider who was involved in the doping scandal.

“‘No. 24 Clasicómano Luigi’ was a codename allocated to one of the blood bags recovered from the clinic of Madrid doping doctor Eufemiano Fuentes in 2006. Past rumours have linked the bag to Cancellara…”

Now, it’s worth pointing out that Armstrong calling out someone for doping is akin to the kettle calling the pot black. After lying about his use of PEDs for years, Armstrong was finally revealed to have been a huge fraud.

Still, Cancellara likely won’t ever live down the assertions that he, too, was a cheater during his days atop the cycling world. And Armstrong was only too happy to remind us of this fact.

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