Celtics first-round pick trolls Kyrie Irving over flat-earth theory

If Kyrie Irving does return to the Boston Celtics, he will have a notable disagreement one of his new teammates, first-round draft pick, Grant Williams.

Williams’ mother works for NASA. In an earlier interview, he was asked if that background enabled him to debunk any theories from NBA players. Irving’s past proclamation on the shape of the earth came up.

“With my mom, I don’t really think in theories. I kind of know for sure what’s what. It’s kind of nice. … Kyrie’s Earth-is-flat theory is just scientifically not true. That’s the one thing I can debunk if we’re being honest. That’s just not true at all.”

If Irving does return to Boston, this is something that Brad Stevens and the Celtics front office will have to get in front of.

The kind of infighting that this could create would be enough to cause the season to fall right off the face of the Earth.

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