Keith Olbermann Calls for Goodell, Others to Resign

As he normally does during controversial times, both in the sports and political worlds, ESPN’s Keith Olbermann took a strong stance against the status quo and powers to be.

Not only did Olbermann call on NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to resign, he’s calling for the heads of everyone and anyone involved in what the media personality called a “cover up.”

He called Goodell an enabler of “men who beat women.”

Whether you agree with Olbermann’s point doesn’t really matter here, he speaks for a ton of us with the anger in his voice right now.

Olbermann then accused everyone, including fans and writers, of “failing to draw a line in the sand” and that we “become accessories after the fact” if we don’t fully boycott the league until Goodell and others are removed from their positions.

Obviously there is a lot of rhetoric involved here. But Olbermann’s point stands to some extent. If there was indeed a cover up (a big if), Goodell may very well have to step down from his role as commissioner. Until then, there needs to be some sort of investigation to find out exactly what the NFL and Baltimore Ravens knew about this situation prior to taking stands on Monday.

After all, no one in their right mind believes that the first time Goodell and Co. saw this video was on Monday when TMZ published it. Do they really think we are that naive?

Photo: Fox Sports

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