Categories: NFL

Idiocy Still Alive In Wake Of Michael Vick Signing

Some people just have a hard time putting things to rest. We knew that those on the fringe (PETA) would come calling once Michael Vick signed with the New York Jets. The very same organization that chose to ignore the slaughtering of stray dogs in Sochi leading up to the Olympics. But I digress… has decided to take this whole idiocy thing to a new level by starting a petition that would ban Vick from attending Jets training camp at SUNY Cortland later this summer. In part, its petition read…

I love SUNY Cortland, and cannot abide welcoming this sociopath onto our campus with open arms. We need to stand by what is right as a university by barring him from the grounds. I don’t want him anywhere near my beloved college or community.

We MUST send the message that we won’t be party to the torture of animals by conveniently forgetting what he has done. If we welcome Vick onto our campus, we are complicit in his crimes

Hmm, apparently the word sociopath can now be used in context of a guy that committed a horrible crime, served his time and has turned around his life. Vick has more than paid his dues for something that happened nearly a decade ago. Those who continue to bring up the horrendous crime that he did commit are not doing themselves any favors.

How about channelling that passion into actually doing things that support the greater good in Cortland? Community garden, anyone?

Photo: Howard Smith, USA Today


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