Categories: NFL

Here’s a creepy Tony Romo commercial to watch

The first thing we think about when we see Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo is not how creepy he looks. In fact, one could say the guy is darn good looking. We can ask Carrie Underwood, Jessica Simpson or Romo’s amazing wife about this, and would likely get the same answer.

Taking his acting ability to an entirely new level, the Cowboys quarterback appears on a new DirecTV commercial.

And to be honest, it’s rather disturbing:

Yes, this is the Rob Lowe-themed DirecTV ads taken to an entirely new level. If we could go our entire lives without seeing and hearing the quarterback as super-creepy, “arts and craftsy” version of himself, I am pretty sure we’d all be pretty cool with that.

Romo rubbing that papier-mâché thingy while giving us the look of a serial killer. Well, it makes us think of some hill people in horror movies. He also bakes cupcakes, which may or may not be laced with some some of that wacky tobacky.

Sadly, this is probably going to air throughout the entire NFL season.

On a related note, Romo also just confirmed he’s going to be in my nightmares tonight. Super excited about that.

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