Harvard study: Erectile dysfunction linked to concussions in NFL players

NFL Logo. NFL changes rule on injured reserve.

As if NFL players had anything else they needed to worry about as they navigate through a violent sport.

A recent study at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School concludes that NFL players dealing with concussions are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction.

This is not a drill.

“We found the same association of concussions with ED among both younger and older men in the study, and we found the same risk of ED among men who had last played 20 years ago,” one of the study’s lead authors Andrea Roberts wrote in the report . “These findings suggest that increased risk of ED following head injury may occur at relatively young ages and may linger for decades thereafter.”

The results were eye-opening.

We already know just how many former NFL players are struggling with Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

It continues to impact their quality of life with multiple former NFLers having committed suicide while dealing with the condition.

This latest study adds a whole new layer to the issue. Needless to say, it has impacted the lives of those who haven’t sought treatment.

An editor here at Sportsnaut. Contributor at Forbes. Previous bylines include Bleacher Report, Yahoo!, SB Nation. Heard on ESPN ... More about Vincent Frank
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