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Figure skater Michelle Kwan nominated for ambassador post

Retired Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan has been nominated to serve as ambassador to Belize.

President Joe Biden announced her nomination on Wednesday. The U.S. Senate must confirm her appointment.

“I am honored to be nominated by President Biden to serve as ambassador to Belize, and if confirmed, I will be very proud to serve my country,” Kwan wrote on Twitter.

Kwan, 41, held diplomatic roles in the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations. She was an American Public Diplomacy Envoy under Bush and a State Department senior adviser for public diplomacy and public affairs under Obama.

She also was a member of Obama’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition and currently is a board member of Special Olympics International.

Belize, formerly known as British Honduras, is a country of about 400,000 people on the northeast coast of Central America.

–Field Level Media

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