
England vs. Russia sparks fan violence in Marseilles

Fan violence has erupted in the streets of Marseilles, France as fans of the England vs. Russia Euro 2016 match have started attacking one another.

The police have been clashing with fans for three days now, and things are clearly getting out of control.

Per SB Nation, at least one English fan has been seriously injured.

“The fan’s condition is not known at this time, but the fan reportedly needed to be resuscitated by police in the streets,” writes James Dator of sbnation.com.

BBC is reporting six people have been arrested (only six?) and that Russian and French fans are the ones instigating most of the violence.

“We understand from the reports that it’s a very small minority of England fans that have been involved,” Dave Tomlinson, from the Football Supporters’ Federation said. “We also understand that unfortunately there has been quite a lot of provocation from the French and also the Russian elements that are in the area.”

World football has seen its fair share of outrageous fan behavior. This latest incident appears to be getting worse before it gets better.

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