Elon Musk to build tunnel from Hollywood to Dodger Stadium

No matter what we think of the man, billionaire Elon Musk isn’t afraid of innovation on a scale we’ve rarely seen in modern world history.

His SpaceX startup has made real the possibility of public transportation to places the human mind could have scarcely imagined before his arrival.

We can now add another pretty adventurous project to Musk’s growing list of accomplishments. Under the umbrella of Boring Company, Musk will build a 3.6-mile tunnel from East Hollywood to Dodger Stadium as a way for fans to expedite their travel time to Dodgers games.

A four-minute ride from Hollywood to the game. Where can we sign up?

Anyone who has ever lived in Southern California knows just how ridiculous the traffic is. Add in sporting events, and that’s magnified even further.

Unfortunately for the common fan, this tunnel is limited to 1,500 occupants. Those spots will be filled by the elite of the elite.

Even then, it’s a rather awesome idea from Musk and Co.

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