Categories: MLB NFL

How To Deal With A Significant Other Who Doesn’t Like Sports

Dump her. Just kidding…

We have all been there. We finally find the love of our lives, and he/she doesn’t like the same team as yourself. Or even sports in general. So how do you deal with that? Before you change your relationship status on Facebook to “single,” check out these  tips and tricks to keep you from doing something you may regret.

Before I start, I do not have a significant other. But I do have a best friend who hates baseball. Actually, the term she uses is “loathes.” The thing that can be frustrating is when I get excited when I see something exciting happening in the world of baseball (whether I’m writing about it, or watching it) and I try to tell her about it and her eyes turn a slight shade of glaze and she immediately rolls them.

This is fine, being a female that loves sports is weird in and of itself. But I see it a lot with my guy friends as well. But they still maintain their relationships. And this is what I’ve noticed.

1. They have awesome significant others.

This is obviously something we all strive for. But that’s the thing about relationships, you learn to compromise right?

For instance: This, is ok.


However, this, this is not.


Here is some free dating advice: if the person you are dating is wearing that, you have my permission (along with A’s and Giants fans everywhere, to dump him or her)

It’s okay to not like the same teams as one another. It’s actually rather adorable, but when the Battle of the Bays comes into town you should be focusing on if Josh Reddick is going to go yard off of Madison Bumgardner, or if Buster Posey is the real deal. (Which he is.)

2. Bring them to the game, they won’t be bored. Well that’s not entirely true…


But hey, she went to the game.

3. Let them know there is plenty of great food…and more importantly, beer.

And obviously, this is the most romantic thing ever to happen in the history of sports. Screw candles and chocolates.

4. Remember how hot people look in sports swag?


We are still trying to figure which one of these two made a bigger impact on football…

5. Ladies, leave him alone when he does his fantasy drafts. Just trust me on this one…

And when it’s Playoffs time, just say “Good for you babe!”

Basically, just do what you have to do, if they want to go to an event with you, cool, if not, don’t freak out about it. More importantly, don’t freak out about it on the twitter dot com. You will be unfollowed faster than Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kris Humphries.

 Photo: Kevin Hoffman/USA TODAY Sports

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