Cal’s Big Game against Stanford could be canceled due to smoke from wildfire

The catastrophic wildfire in Butte County, Calif. could cause “The Big Game” between Cal and Stanford on Saturday to be canceled.

Unhealthy (and in some cased very unhealthy or hazardous) air quality, which is widespread throughout the Sacramento Valley and Bay Area, would be the reason for such a cancellation.

The Camp Fire, which originated near Paradise, Calif., has caused thousands to lose their homes, has claimed the lives of at least 63 people, and the latest reports indicate there are well over 600 people still unaccounted for.

Cal’s men’s basketball team had to cancel its game Thursday against Detroit Mercy due to the unhealthy air quality, which continues to be a huge factor in the region.

No decision has yet been made regarding “The Big Game,” but Cal released a statement on the matter.

“Cal is continuing to monitor air quality, including reviewing data provided by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and staying in regular communication with officials from Pac-12 and Stanford,” the school said.

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