Brandon Belt extends help to man on streets in need of shoes

Brandon Belt

Social media has its frustrating moments. But on occasion, it can come through and help produce a nice story. San Francisco Giants first baseman Brandon Belt produced one of those moments on Wednesday.

It started with Darren Brazil, brother of Brodie Brazil, an on-air personality for NBC Sports Bay Area, the station that covers the Giants.

Alexis Pence, wife of Giants outfielder Hunter Pence, wanted to help. Unfortunately, while Pence is a large man, even his feet are not that big.

Fortunately, she knew of someone who could possibly help.

That’s where Belt came in to prove her hunch correct.

Belt’s massive feet often come in handy when trying to hold first base on a wide throw. On Wednesday, they came through to help Brazil and Pence supply Dennis with some shoes.

So, there you have it.

Social media coming together to help a man in need, without a hint of negativity to it.

It is possible.

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