Arkansas governor signs bill allowing concealed guns at state colleges, games

Arkansas Governrnor Asa Richardson has signed a bill that will allow people to carry concealed handguns into public places, including football games.

“Arkansas’ governor signed a sweeping gun rights measure into law on Wednesday that will allow concealed handguns at state colleges, some bars, government buildings and even the state Capitol,”a report from Andrew DeMillo of the Associated Press said. “A 2013 law allows faculty and staff to carry concealed guns at colleges and universities in Arkansas, but only if the schools allowed it. None of the schools has opted to do so.”

DeMillo noted that the “University of Arkansas and Arkansas State University systems said they would prepare for their campuses to comply with the law when it takes effect.”

Naturally, the bill has plenty of detractors. One of is them Democrat Greg Leding.

“People like to have a good time before the game, during the game, people get emotional and angry during the game,” he said, via DeMillo. “I think the idea of introducing loaded weapons into those situations is just ridiculous.”

It’s hard to argue with this point. Even more the most rational people, emotions run high during sporting events. None of Arkansas’ football stadiums sell alcohol, but that doesn’t stop people from drinking before games or sneaking alcohol in, potentially adding to the danger.

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