Categories: MLB

Actual Baseball Questions People Asked Yahoo!

I get it, we have our blonde moments, but if you have to ask Yahoo! or any type of search engine THESE particular questions, I’m assuming you are going home alone tonight. Check these out. 

Really? I didn’t even know this was offered, however, the answer was absolutely priceless.

This is pretty obvious…and I mean that the thirst of the cleat chasers is real.

“Baseball players or baseball users?” Check out the answer too.

“Bascketball.” The basketball players who skipped college and went straight to the pros were offended by this, even.

I have no comment…


Do you even lift bro?


This one is not only racist, it’s stupid.

I’m assuming Angel Fernandez asked this one…

If baseball were easy to play, I would be playing. C’mon now.

Photo: mudshvlst.wordpress

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