
WATCH: A dog has correctly picked Super Bowl winner five years running

With the legalization of gambling in America becoming more and more mainstream, bettors might want to pay attention to “New Dog.”

For the fifth straight year, this pup has correctly predicted the winner of the Super Bowl.


A YouTuber with the handle “TheArchfiend” posted a video on January 25 in which “New Dog” picked the New England Patriots to beat the Los Angeles Rams — marking the fifth straight year this dog has been Nostradamus for the big game.

Now, the video is long and includes quite a bit of rambling from “TheArchfiend” so if you’re pressed for time skip to around the 2:30 mark and you’ll see “New Dog” pick the Patriots.

Looking back at the YouTube page’s archives, it’s clear the dog has a nose for a winner. Five years in a row now.

Pay attention next year, folks — that includes you, “Bettor X.”

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